salaam alaikum, Your voice is missed on facebook, where I had a few interactions with you. I spoke to you a bit back then about my writing. Would love if you did similar advising opportunities for those of us trying to break through as writers. Especially sisters.

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Wa salam, it's good to hear from you after some time -- this is something I'd be happy to explore. A few folks have previously asked to explore a writing course, while others have inquired into virtual Halaqa. I will make a note to follow up (and I hope you're well otherwise--not to mention an early Ramadan Mubarak too!)

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I write well, but marketing my writing and knowing where to start is overwhelming. Do you get a literary agent? How much royalties to share? Thoughts on self-publishing on Amazon? Should we market to Muslims or everyone? These are things I'd love to know.

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